Month: December 2021

Thanks to Edenderry Lions Club member Matt Merrick who reared and donated two heifers weighing 530kgs each and sold for €1,240 each.  A number of animals to date were reared locally, donated and sold for this very worthy fundraiser campaign.  Thanks to the farmers pictured who reared and supplied animals and to the buyers and especially Edenderry Livestock Mart for facilitating the sales.

Pictured: Andy Maloney (Farmer), Billy Byrne (Edenderry Livestock Mart), Brian O Sullivan Lions Club Deirdre Feely Lions Club, Patsy Evans (Farmer & member of Offaly IFA), Matt Merrick (Farmer & Lions Club), Brian Rush (Deputy President IFA), Ger Lawlor President Lions Club, Fiachra Scally Lions Club, and Michael Manley (Farmer)