Hooves 4 Hospice
Lions Clubs in the midlands wish to join forces with the farming community, supportive organisations and individuals in a fundraising project, named ‘Hooves 4 Hospice’, that has the potential to raise a sizeable sum of money for the much-needed Midland Hospice Building Fund.
The project involves recruiting a large number of farmers from across the midlands willing to rear an animal. Ideally, the animals will remain on the farm of origin or where necessary be assigned to a host farm. However, the project will be flexible to cater for all farming systems. Tullamore Lions Club (TLC) will sell the animals after 12 to 24 months and the entire proceeds of the sale will be donated to help fund the building of the hospice.
In addition to the participating farmers, it is hoped that the ‘Hooves for Hospice’ fundraising project will appeal to many others willing to donate an animal to be reared by a host farmer. Others may wish to sponsor the cost or contribute towards the cost of purchasing a young animal that will then be allocated to a host farmer to be reared. Acting on behalf of all participating Lions Clubs, TLC will source suitable animals.
It is intended that host farmers will not incur any exceptional costs over and above the cost of accommodating the young animals in their herds.
TLC is willing to meet the cost of delivering the project animal to the host farmer.
Prior to movement, project animals must be:
- A minimum 12 weeks old.
- Weaned off milk and adjusted to a grass diet.
- Vaccinated, if the host farmer so desires.
- TLC will meet non-routine veterinary costs.
Only BVD free animals will be selected for this project.
If a project animal dies, TLC will suffer the loss. TLC will also meet any disposal fees incurred.
Animals purchased by TLC and placed on host farms, will remain the property of TLC.