The President and members of Tullamore Lions Club cordially invite you to attend the launch of the Hooves 4 Hospice fundraising project in aid of the proposed Midland
Hospice Building Fund.



The event will take place at 

The Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar on
Thursday 16th. January 2020 at 7.30pm.


The project is supported by other Lions Clubs in the midlands and by the Irish Hospice Foundation.



Guests of honor will include:


Michael Duignan & Charlie Redmond who will relate their experiences of the end of life care loved ones in their families received.


Ella Mc Sweeney, presenter of Ear to the Ground.


Sharon Foley, CEO, Irish Hospice Foundation.




We are grateful to the Greville Arms Hotel and the
Irish Hospice Foundation who are sponsoring the launch.